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       THE FUTURE IS HERE!   Re-GENerate Your Life with The Drug Free, Non-Surgical

                             Alternative to treating pain and injuries.  Located in Utica, NY.                                  

            Re-GEN SoftWave Therapy and Neuropathy Treatment @ La Barbera Family Chiropractic, LLC

What is SoftWave TRT (Tissue Regeneration Technologies)?  An FDA Cleared, non-invasive, and drug-free treatment 

for chronic pain, inflammation and most all joint issues.   

This is True Regenerative Cellular Healing ... not just a "treatment".  Pain is relieved by working on the underlying problem. 

This is the most versatile medical device on the planet.  It is used not only by Chiropractors, but also by Orthopedic 

Surgeons,  Urologists, Neurologists,  Plastic  Surgeons, Cardiologists, Podiatrists and Physical Therapists as well as in Medical 

Centers and by  Professional  Sports Teams.

48 US Patents:  Two Specifically for Nerve Elongation and Peripheral Nerve Regeneration.  Hence it has a dramatic 

effect for those suffering with nerve disorders like neuropathy.

All Treatments Performed by the Doctor Trained and Certified by SoftWave TRT in Atlanta, Georgia.  

Specific Chiropractic  Care alone is life changing.  SoftWave TRT Treatments alone are incredible.  When done together, the 

results are nothing short of miraculous.  We are happy to offer either / or, but do recommend you do both for certain conditions 

and especially a spinal related condition, radiating pain / numbness / weakness in the arms or legs and especially spinal 


                                                        What is SoftWave?  Watch these two short videos to learn how it works.




SoftWave TRT Orthogold 350

This technology is revolutionizing the healthcare industry.  Imagine a machine that helps the body to heal damaged tissue, increases blood supply and decreases inflammation WITHOUT any anesthesia, surgery or hospitalization!!  This therapy does all this and more for a fraction of the cost of just ONE medical stem cell treatment.  Locally, orthopedists are charging a minimum of $4000 for 1 Stem Cell procedure.  You can spend up to $50,000 or more for multiple treatments in places like Panama City, Panama.  For a drastically less investment in your health, you can have several sessions without having to travel or risk the side effects of anesthesia and surgery.  Best of all, it only takes a few minutes to get these amazing results.  Visit the company website at for more information.

Don't be fooled by imitation copy cats that are being sold in the USA that claim to be the same as the Orthogold series of ESWT equipment.  They are NOT FDA CLEARED and they DO NOT have the same therapeutic capability or benefits.  The owner's of these devices are offering discounted fees to lure you in so please beware and ask for the SoftWave TRT Orthogold machine by name!  See side by side comparison below.  

SoftWave Therapy is a noninvasive therapeutic device (It is also known as "The Stem Cell Machine") that uses a patented breakthrough method of shock-wave generation. It brings unprecedented advantages to sports and regenerative medicine (old injuries). It rapidly relieves chronic pain and greatly accelerates recoveries with sustaining results. This is not an incremental change; it is TRANSFORMATIONAL and very unique!  

The SoftWave OrthoGold TRT 350 is the only Unfocused Extracorpeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) technology available in North America, and is scientifically validated to accomplish the following:

     -Immediately shut down the inflammatory process at the treatment site. Results are typically an immediate and sustained relief of chronic pain and                   releases muscular adhesions / tightness. Improvement of range of motion is a common result after the very first treatment.

     -Sustained Improvement of Blood Flow. This has been linked to a release of various immune factors and increased ATP that leads to                                                     angio/vasculogenesis (growth of new blood vessels) at the treatment site. SoftWave is scientifically validated to recruit and activate endogenous                     stem cell production, allowing the body to truly start healing from within. Stem Cells are the key to tissue regeneration and repair.

     -Additionally, not only is this SoftWave machine used for treatment, it also has a diagnostic feedback in which the "origin of pain" can be                                           precisely identified, serving as an invaluable tool for proper treatment. This feedback mechanism allows us to know exactly where the problem is.

  • 100% atraumatic to tissues and cells (safe - no damage or trauma created).  No bruising after treatment like radial impulse treatments.
  • Near-immediate pain relief in some conditions.
  • Can break up fibrous adhesions and micro calcifications in joints and tendons.  Penetrates up to 12 cm deep (4.7 inches).
  • A wave delivery zone thousands of times larger than focused or planar designs (kidney stones and plantar fasciitis)
  • Demonstrably more efficient and effective.  Up to 91% helpful for musculo-skeletal conditions.
  • Real-time biofeedback provides precision guidance of application to problem origin areas.  No need for imaging or trigger point references.
  • The only Unfocused Electrohydraulic ESWT available in North America, and it has FDA 510(k) clearance. 
  • A fraction of the cost of medical stem cell therapy (1 orthopedic stem cell treatment is about $5000 and is very invasive involving blood removal and injections as well as anesthesia).  SoftWave treatments are spread out over 6 to 8 visits for most patients and is an affordable treatment option.  
  • Utilized by top medical institutions including:  The Cleveland Clinic,  Mayo Clinic,  University of Pittsburgh Medical Center,  University of California San Francisco, Baylor Medical Center,  Northwestern University Hospital,  Shepherd Center)
  • Used by the following sports team and many more:  Pittsburgh Steelers, Los Angeles Lakers,  New York Knicks,  Brooklyn Nets,  Cleveland Indians, Chicago Cubs, NY Giants,  Cleveland Guardians,  Team USA
  • Has many other uses for conditions outside of the Chiropractic / Orthopedic realm (urology, brain injuries, cardiac issues, wound healing, plastic surgeons).
  • No X-Rays are required!  If you have had any x-rays, MRIs or CT Scans, I will review them.  We will do a history of your complaint, a review of your overall health, a spinal exam including vitals and a thorough, individualized evaluation.       
  • No need for multiple visits for months on end!  Most patients complete the treatments in 6 to 10 visits.  This is determined on the first visit based on several factors.  
  • Save your body the damaged caused by taking medications long term for pain as well as the cost of endless therapies.  
  • Yes!!  The benefits are permanent.

What has it been shown to help?  (Note: this is not an all inclusive list and many of these are not treatable in this office, but by 

the Healthcare Professional that specializes in that field ( IE.  Urology, Neurology, Etc.) - Go to the research link below to learn 

more about the exciting possibilities in treating human ailments with this technology.

  • Acute Injuries Heal Faster
  • Chronic Injuries are Activated to Heal
  • Disc herniations and Lower Back Pain / Stiffness / Loss of Mobility
  • Sciatica
  • SW Poster 2

    Neck Pain / Stiffness /  Loss of Mobility

  • Neuropathy (Lumbar, Radicular, Peripheral, Chemo Therapy Induced and Diabetic)
  • Knee pain – Meniscus tears, ACL, arthritis
  • Foot pain / Plantar Fasciitis / Morton's Neuroma / Metatarsalgia / Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Achilles tears / sprains                                                                
  • Decreased Joint Range of Motion
  • Foot Drop
  • Shoulder Pain – Rotator Cuff, Labrum Issues, Tendonitis, Adhesive Capsulitis, Poor Mobility, Frozen


  • Hip Pain – Bursitis, labrum issues, inflammation, Ilio-Tibial Band (IT Band) Pain Syndrome, poor mobility, arthritis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Jaw pain / TMJ dysfunction
  • Bell's Palsy
  • Trigeminal Neuralgia
  • Wrist / Hand pain & Numbness – Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Elbow pain – Tennis & Golfer's elbow (Tendonitis / Epicondylitis)
  • Muscle sprains and Ligament strains
  • Pelvic Floor Issues
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Prostate Hypertrophy
  • Low Testosterone
  • So much more…

                                        Schedule a Discovery Session today to see if this technology can help your chronic pain or

                               recent injury that is taking too long to heal.  Most patients will see some relief after this first visit.


         Your body heals from within.  Sometimes it needs some help.  Get it with a 3,355 mph push!                                                            



                            Fluorescent Stained Mitochondria Before And After Unfocused Shockwave

                                       Activation of mitochondria (the powerhouse of every cell in the body) leads to better cellular health and ability to heal



                                                         New Blood Vessel Growth After Shockwave Therapy

                                     More Blood Vessels mean better blood flow, more nutrients and oxygen to the area and removal of more toxins

                                                                                           This all means healthier tissue and better overall function!

Therapeutic Effects of SoftWave Therapy

  • Pain relief – analgesic effect
  • Anti-inflammatory action:
    • Lowers the pro-inflammatory immune response
    • Decreases cellular apoptosis and reduces necrosis
  • Antibacterial effect in the treatment of infections
  • Induces the expression of endogenous growth factors
  • Angiogenesis; improved vascularity and blood circulation, tissue supply
  • Ossification; formation of new bone tissue
  • Stimulates natural anabolic and growth functions in all kinds of tissues
    (skin, bones, cartilage, smooth & striated muscles, nerves…)
  • Activation of stem cells; metabolism ↑, proliferation ↑, migration ↑, differentiation ↑
  • Tissue remodeling and regeneration!

                                         Musculoskeletal Response                                                         Wound Healing Response

                 MS                    wound        




                                       Click This Link for RESEARCH being done with the Orthogold TRT

                        Click This Link for FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS about SoftWave Therapy

In Office Case

51 year old woman seen for Trigeminal Neuralgia (The Suicide Disease) with left sided facial pain goes from a 10+ out of 10 to a 

ZERO after this new patient's first  SoftWave Therapy.  The Trigeminal Nerve is both sensory (feeling) and motor (movement) for 

the face, teeth and throat.  She has been in agonizing pain for over 10 years even after 2 brain surgeries and more medications

than I can count with no relief.  She came in today (08/13/2024) unable to open her mouth or speak. We had to turn the AC off 

because cold or moving air triggers unimaginable attacks of facial pain.  She had to communicate thru a friend who brought her in 

and she was crying out in pain during her consultation and exam.  After a simple 4 minute treatment ... she will tell you the rest.  

Desperate for a non-invasive, surgery and drug free possible solution to your chronic pain?  Call us and schedule a Discovery 

Session to see if SoftWave may be the answer.  


In Office Case

74 year old man who had low back surgery 3 years ago.  The surgeon "nicked a nerve" and he came out of the surgery being numb 

from the left knee down and had drop foot (he could not move his foot upward due to the nerve not communicating with 

the muscle).  IMMEDIATELY after his first SoftWave treatment to his low back, he was able to move his foot for the first time since 

the surgery.  Unfortunately, I did not video him before the treatment.  Here is the video from that first day.



In Office Case

Middle age woman who had lower back pain radiating to the knees with clicking.  This is a thermography exam immediately before 

and after her first treatment.  Notice the red indicating inflammation on the first image and no sign of it on the second.  The initial 

benefit of this technology is suppression of inflammation.  This leads to pain relief and increased mobility.


                                            knee therm pre                      knee therm post                        


In Office Case

36 year old female came in for SoftWave therapy in October, 2023.  She injured her neck that affected her right shoulder in May 

2022.  She had EXTREMELY limited movement of her shoulder in all directions due to the pain.  After her first visit, she had 

immediate relief of neck and shoulder pain and a noticeable increase in movement.  As she left the office, without thinking, she 

reached in the back seat of her car to get her water bottle and realized that she could move it for the first time in 17 months!  She 

as in tears on her 3rd visit because she could now hold a book and read to her son and HUG him and her husband for the first time 

since her injury.  No surgery, injections, anesthesia or down time.  Here is her testimony in her own words.

In Office Case

60 year old male (me).  Left Sacro-Iliac pain into the buttock and down the left leg for 15 years that became severely worse

for the last 7 months after falling off a ladder.  A MRI was done on December 9, 2022.  See the large disc herniation and

fragment at the posterior (back side) of L4 extending into the spinal canal compressing the descending nerves.  It is affecting

the left nerve root (cannot be seen on this view).  SoftWave treatment done the next day after the  MRI.  All pain was gone 

immediately and never returned.



Follow-up MRI with contrast done on January 6, 2023.  Notice the drastic reduction in the size of the disc fragment.  Per 

the radiologist's report, the herniation was smaller and no longer affecting the exiting nerve root.   The difference in color

is due to the contrast dye that was used.  Total # of SoftWave treatments at this point was only 5.  I suspect the fragmented

disc was reduced with the first visit.   NO SURGERY -- NO ANESTHESIA -- NO DOWN TIME -- NO SIDE EFFECTS -- NO


still no pain and doing heavy labor with no issues.



In Office Case

74 year old male.  Severe lumbar radicular neuropathy radiating to the lower extremities.  Numb from the knees down.  

Color of legs and feet were ash gray and white.  No sensation to sharp stimulus.  Could feel dull pressure.  After his first treatment 

to his lower back, legs and feet, the color returned immediately (healthy pink).  After his second visit, he could feel the pedals on 

his stationary bike.  After his fourth visit, he could feel pain again.  He stated he put on an old pair of sneakers that were in bad 

shape and had to throw them away because they hurt his feet.  

     Pre        Post              

       First Visit - I decided to take a photo after I put on the gel.  You                    Immediately after the treatment.  Feet are nice and pink.

     can see the discoloration.  The photo does not show all the detail.                      



                                                         This was his fifth visit BEFORE I treated him.  Feet are nice and pink indicating great 

                                                                 circulation.  At this point he could feel sharp sensations and pain again.  


In Office Case

92 year old male who has lumbar radicular neuropathy.  He has not been able to feel the bottom of his feet for over 3 years.  This is effecting his walking 

and balance.  After his very first SoftWave Neuropathy treatment, he stood up and stated he could feel the floor under his feet.  He took a few steps and 

was able to walk without a cane.  This is with just ONE treatment.



In Office Case   

15 + years of pain (lower back pain radiating into the left hip and leg) GONE after 8 SoftWave visits.  Able to work and exercise

again including intense martial arts.




In Office Case

61 year old female has been a long time chiropractic patient.  Developed Bell's Palsy (Cranial Nerve 7 Palsy) about 5 years ago.  

Nothing helped her including upper cervical and cranial chiropractic care.  She decided to try SoftWave Therapy, and over time, 

the function of her facial muscles started to wake up and function.  While not 100% yet, she can wrinkle her forehead, open her 

left eye fully and the inside of her cheek no longer gets caught up.  She notices overall improvement in day to day functions like 

eating, talking and being able to SMILE!!  


                                                 Pre                                        Post        

In Office Case

69 year old male had an injury playing football when he was 15 that affected his neck and shoulder.  54 years later he came in for 

SoftWave treatment.  He immediately had full range of motion and NO pain.  Can you get these results anywhere else?  Why 

live with pain?


In Office Case

A 65 year old male injured his right knee 5 years ago.  MRI showed a torn disc.  He had immediate relief after his first treatment.  

After 3 visits he was relatively pain free for the first time since his injury.  SoftWave promotes healing from within and is a 

permanent solution to many joint and soft tissue problems.



In Office Case

A 67 year old male had complaints of pain, clicking and loss of motion in his right shoulder.  A MRI showed a tear in one of the

rotator cuff tendons and arthritis.  He was contemplating surgery, but decided to try SoftWave instead.  IMMEDIATELY after

his first treatment, the movement drastically increased, and the pain was gone.  


Explanation of the chemical reactions in the body that take place when you receive a SoftWave treatment.


Check out this video from the TV show “The Doctors” as they discuss this SoftWave Tissue Regeneration Technology!


This video by a plastic surgeon demonstrates the regenerating power of the SoftWave TRT in healing open wounds and gangrene

of the foot.  Please do not view if you are easily physically upset by graphic photos of damaged human tissue.  Due to the content, 

you must click on the "Watch on YouTube link.                                                      





       Comparison                SW              

                                                                                                                 Company Website:

As Featured On And Used By:


                     guard                               NYG                               cubs                   USA                           


                                                                          Mayo                                     CClinic                       




Revive Softwave Utica    Stem Cell Therapy   Stem Cell Treatment  Shockwave therapy  Tissue Regeneration    

patient and doctor

Contact Us

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Our Location

Find us on the map


LaBarbera Family Chiropractic LLC Re-GEN SoftWave

2719 Genesee Street

Utica, NY 13501 USA

(315) 724-0368

(315) 724-0374


8:00 am - 5:30 pm


8:00 am - 4:30 pm


10:00 am - 5:30 pm


8:00 am - 5:30 pm


9:00 am - 12:00 pm





Open every other Friday including  Friday, September  20, 2024 in the morning.  Closed every other Friday through June.