Neuropathy Treatment

All Treatments Are Performed By The Doctor Trained and Certified by SoftWave TRT in Atlanta, Georgia.

Specific Chiropractic  Care alone is life changing.  SoftWave TRT Treatments alone are incredible.  When done together, the results are nothing 

short of miraculous.  We are happy to offer either / or, but do recommend you do both for certain conditions and especially any spinal condition, 

radiating pain / numbness / weakness in the arms or legs and especially spinal related radicular neuropathy.

Neuropathy is a loss of nerve function that can occur for several reasons.  Peripheral neuropathy results from an issue in your spine and can effect the arms and hands or the legs and feet.  “Peripheral” means outside of the center.  The peripheral nervous system is the nervous system outside of the brain and spinal cord.  “Neuropathy” is disease or dysfunction of one or more of the nerves.  Peripheral Neuropathy is damaged, sick, dying peripheral nerves.  In this office we recognize that the original problem comes from a subluxation in the spine which affects the nerves going from the neck to the arms and hands, or from the lower back to the legs and feet.

More than 20 million in the US suffer from peripheral neuropathy. The majority are over the age of 45. That’s almost 1 out of 17 Americans have peripheral neuropathy.  Many suffering from Peripheral Neuropathy have lost the ability to enjoy  activities they love such as traveling, sports, social events, and enjoying family as a result of the pain, burning, numbness, tingling,difficulty walking, and other symptoms of Peripheral Neuropathy.

Long term compression of the nerves in your spine leads to damage over time that results in the slow death of the nerves.  See the image below.  This results in weakness, numbness and tingling and a loss of feeling in the arms / hands or legs / feet.  Patients with spinal, radicular neuropathy affecting their legs and feet report trouble with walking and balance.  Since the nerves also control the blood vessels, they too begin to lose function and will result in poor circulation marked by cold extremities and a color change from healthy pink to purple or even black.  Other causes of neuropathy include the effects diabetes and chemotherapy drugs.  

All living things require nutrients and oxygen and need to be as free of poisons and toxins as possible in order to grow, thrive and prosper.  Your peripheral nerves are NO exception. When functioning normally, nerve tissues receive rich nutrients, and highly-oxygenated blood that is carried by microscopic capillaries, which are tiny-tiny-tiny blood vessels that are easily clogged. The capillaries of an individual with diabetes can clog once a great deal of glucose fills the bloodstream, which can then prevent nerve tissues from receiving the proper nutrients and oxygen necessary for survival. When tiny nutrients and oxygen carrying blood vessels become clogged, constricted and damaged circulation is decreased to the nerves. This reduction in circulation causes nerve tissues to not receive the nutrients and oxygen necessary for survival.  When this happens the peripheral nerves become damaged causing the symptoms of neuropathy.  Chiropractic care to the subluxations in the spine relieves the pressure on the nerve roots that cause the symptoms of neuropathy.  SoftWave therapy helps revitalize the damaged nerves and accelerates healing and improves circulation.  SoftWave also increases circulation to the area instantly and over time, helps your body grow new blood vessels to permanently keep blood flowing to your tissues.

Types of Peripheral Neuropathy

Sensory peripheral neuropathy – damage to the peripheral nerves that carry messages of touch, temperature, pain, vibration, pressure, and other sensations to the brain as the result of subluxations in the spine.

Motor peripheral neuropathy – damage to the nerves that control muscles and movements, such as walking and lifting as a result of subluxations in the spine.

Autonomic peripheral neuropathy – damage to the nerves that control involuntary bodily processes, such as breathing, digestion, blood pressure, and bladder function as a result of subluxations in the spine.

Mononeuropathy Peripheral Neuropathy – damage to a single nerve outside of the central nervous system. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome being the most common type which is the result of subluxations in the spine.

Majority of patients with peripheral neuropathy have more than one of these types of peripheral neuropathies at the same time.

The most common peripheral neuropathy is a combination of sensory and motor neuropathy (sensorimotor polyneuropathy).

Symptoms of Sensory Peripheral neuropathy can include:

  • Pins and needles in the affected body part most common feet and hands
  • Numbness and tingling with decrease ability to feel pain or changes in temperature most common in hands and feet
  • Burning or sharp pain, usually in the feet and/or hands
  • Increased sensitivity feeling pain from something that should not be painful at all, such as a very light touch
  • Difficulty walking, loss of balance, or coordination caused by less ability to tell the position of the feet or hands

Symptoms of Motor Peripheral Neuropathy can include:

  • Muscle weakness one or more muscles
  • Muscle atrophy -wasting of the muscles
  • Cramping, twitching and muscle spasms
  • Walking difficulty due to loss of motor control of the foot.
  • diarrhea or constipation often at night
  • feeling bloated and sick
  • tachycardia-rapid heartbeat
  • low blood pressure, which can make you feel dizzy when you stand up from sitting or lying down
  • lack of sweating or excessive sweating or a problems with
  • loss of bowel control issues
  • bladder control issues emptying the bladder of urine
  • sexual dysfunction, such as erectile dysfunction in men.

Depending on the specific nerve affected, symptoms of Mononeuropathy Peripheral Neuropathy can include:

  • abnormal sensation or weakness in the toes or fingers
  • Leg and foot pain, weakness or abnormal sensations.
  • weakness of one side of your face causing a droopy face (Bell’s palsy)
  • vision focusing problems, double vision, and eye pain

What are the risk factors and causes of Peripheral Neuropathy?

Metabolic (chemical)

Mechanical (compressive) - Subluxations in the spine are the main cause of radicular neuropathy.

Genetic (hereditary)

Metabolic/Chemical - Risk Factors

  • Diabetes
  • Smoking
  • Chemotherapy
  • Alcoholism
  • Drugs / Prescription Medication
  • War Toxins / Industrial Toxins

Diabetes is the most common metabolic cause of Peripheral Neuropathy.  Nearly 70% of individuals diagnosed with diabetes develop Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy. Approximately 86,000 Americans each year undergo diabetic amputations. These amputations are a result of uncontrolled peripheral neuropathy.

Mechanical/Compressive – Risk Factors

Spinal Subluxations

Bulged and Herniated Disc(s)

Degenerative Disc(s)

Spinal Stenosis

Mechanical causes of peripheral neuropathy causes are very common, and are most often a result from mechanical joint problems, which compress the nerves that emit from the spine.  The chiropractic profession calls this condition a SUBLUXATION.  This word essentially translates to a state of sub-optimal energy.  In mechanical compressive forms of peripheral neuropathy, the direct physical pressures placed on the nerves by aberrant joint function shuts down the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the nerves.  Compressive peripheral neuropathy in the upper or lower spine  (cervical, thoracic, lumbar and/or sacral) nerves can cause functional motor (weakness, stiffness, tightness, constrict) and sensory (numbness, tingling, burning, sharp pain) changes for the nerves of the hip, legs, ankle and feet.  Chiropractic adjustments help to relieve the pressure on the nerves so they can function optimally.  


Genetic/Hereditary – Risk Factors

The final category for Neuropathy pertains to genetics or hereditary traits.  They include neurological challenges, such as Friedriech’s Ataxia and Charcot Marie Tooth Disease.  Although these examples of Neuropathy are still extremely significant to those afflicted, these diseases are fairly rare and make up less than 1% of the population.

The most common medical treatment for neuropathy are medications to control the symptoms (pain).  Gabapentin is commonly used to help control the pain, but unfortunately, does nothing to actually treat the root cause of this condition.  Most patients are told that they just have to live with it.

Our office takes a multi-pronged approach to help individuals with neuropathy.  

          - Chiropractic Care helps reduce nerve and spinal cord pressure at the source.  Optimal spinal alignment results in optimal nerve function.

          - SoftWave TRT Therapy improves circulation almost immediately, triggers angiogenesis (growth of new blood vessels), decreases inflammation and

             triggers nerve elongation AND nerve regeneration.  All of these responses helps reverse the damaged caused by neuropathy.

             SoftWave TRT Therapy alone has a 65 to 91% success rate with musculoskeletal conditions.  

          - Nutritional Recommendations to aid your body in functioning better and to speed up your recovery.

          - Thermography used to monitor your response.  Non-invasive technology that shows your circulation as your care progresses.


                                               Therm Hands                                    Therm Legs              

                                              Hand Thermography showing cold left hand                                    Foot Thermography showing poor circulation                                             


In Office Case

An 81 year old long time patient told me in May, 2024 about her neuropathy which included symptoms of burning, pain and numbness in her legs and feet.

It was affecting her balance and quality of life.  She decided to start SoftWave TRT treatment in August, 2024 and after two months of care, she was 

markedly improved.  The before and after thermal images prove she has better circulation in both feet and toes.  


                  MC Pre Thermal                                         MC Post  

                                  Blue and Purple means poor circulation                                                                                                 Red indicates excellent circulation

In Office Case

A 75 year old male started care in July, 2024 for symptoms of lumbar spinal neuropathy.  He had the usual symptoms including pain, burning and 

numbness in his legs and feet.  It also affected his balance which is very common due to the interference of nerve signals traveling from the feet and legs

to the brain.  Left untreated, this condition causes a slow death of tissue, nerves and blood vessels hence affecting the communication between the legs / 

feet and the brain.  The before and after thermal images tell the story.  

                               JC Pre Thermal                                      JC Thermal Post    

                                         Blue in the toes indicates poor circulation                                                                   Red indicates healthy, normal circulation

Neuropathy Degeneration            Blood Vessels            

In Office Case

A 90 year old woman with neuropathy and resulting poor circulation in her feet causing them to turn purple.  Left untreated, they would eventually 

become gangrenous which could lead to amputation.  She had severe pain, burning and numbness.  Photos show before and after 3 minutes apart after

a SoftWave treatment.  Over 4 months of treatment including Chiropractic care, SoftWave TRT, supplements and Red Light Therapy at home have

improved her quality of life and decreased her symptoms and her circulation in her legs and feet have drastically improved.  Little lower back pain, 

improved feeling in her legs and feet which leads to better balance and walking.  This should decrease her risk of falling as well.

                                                                    Pre                                         Post  

                                                                         Before SoftWave Treatment                                              After 3 Minute SoftWave Treatment



 Your body heels from within.  Sometimes it needs some help.  Get it with a 3,355 mph push!

ca    Stem Cell Therapy   Stem Cell Treatment  Shockwave therapy  Tissue Regeneration    

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LaBarbera Family Chiropractic LLC Re-GEN SoftWave

2719 Genesee Street

Utica, NY 13501 USA

(315) 724-0368

(315) 724-0374


8:00 am - 5:30 pm


8:00 am - 4:30 pm


10:00 am - 5:30 pm


8:00 am - 5:30 pm


9:00 am - 12:00 pm





Open every other Friday including  Friday, September  20, 2024 in the morning.  Closed every other Friday through June.