
In order to bring your family the foremost in Chiropractic Care, we employ the use of state-of-the-art technology with our traditional hands on approach to accomplish the most efficient spinal correction.  Chiropractic care has a long history of using instrumentation in the evaluation of nerve function.  Dr. B. J. Palmer devised and used many electro-diagnostic machines in his world renowned clinic located in Davenport , Iowa at the Palmer College of Chiropractic.  Such machines as the neuroencephalomentipograph, as well as cutting edge developments in x-ray which are still used today throughout the entire health profession, catapulted chiropractic into the 21st century long before any other health care system.  Our office utilizes two highly sophisticated diagnostic computerized machines to help in your overall care as well as a high speed state of the are DIGITAL X-Ray system. Our newest edition is the SoftWave TRT Orthogold 100 machine to aid in healing those old injuries as well as to cut the healing time down for new ones.  

Revive Softwave Utica

Infra-Red Thermography

Nervous System


The human body and all of its organs are controlled by the nervous system. These nerves run from the brain, down the spinal column, and innervate various organs throughout the body including the heart, the lungs, and even the skin.

The Skin

Each of the nerves leaving the spinal column innervates specific areas of the skin, thus dividing the body into a patterned form known as dermatomes. There are eight cervical, twelve thoracic, five lumbar, and five sacral dermatomes.

The nervous system uses vasoconstriction and vasodilation of the capillary bed to help regulate body temperature. Irritations cause the skin's natural temperature symmetry to fall out of balance from the left to right side of the spine.

When we administer an adjustment, we are helping to normalize nervous system function and thereby the body will regulate the blood flow to the skin in a uniform manner.  This results in overall better body function and this change is detectable on the Tytron C-3000 system we use in the office.  I was the first to bring this technology to the area and currently one of only 2 offices in the Mohawk Valley that uses this instrument. I have been extensively trained and certified in using and interpreting the results.

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       Upper Cervical Scan     



Re-GEN SoftWave Therapy @ La Barbera Family Chiropractic, LLC

Softwave TRT Orthogold 350

This technology is revolutionizing the healthcare industry.  Imagine a machine that helps the body to heal damaged tissue, increases blood supply and decreases inflammation WITHOUT any anesthesia, surgery or hospitalization!!  This therapy does all this and more for a fraction of the cost of just ONE medical stem cell treatment.  Locally, orthopedists are charging a minimum of $4000 for 1 Stem Cell procedure.  You can spend up to $50,000 or more for multiple treatments in places like Panama City, Panama.  For a drastically less investment in your health, you can have several sessions without having to travel or risk the side effects of anesthesia and surgery.  Best of all, it only takes a few minutes to get these amazing results.  Visit their website at for more information.  Click on the SoftWave link above to learn more.

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SoftWave Therapy is a noninvasive therapeutic device (It is also known as "The Stem Cell Machine") that uses a patented breakthrough method of shock-wave generation. It brings unprecedented advantages to sports and regenerative medicine (old injuries). It rapidly relieves chronic pain and greatly accelerates recoveries with sustaining results. This is not an incremental change; it is TRANSFORMATIONAL and very unique!  

The TRT OrthoGold SoftWave is the only Unfocused Extracorpeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) technology available in North America, and is scientifically validated to accomplish the following:

-Immediately shut down the inflammatory process at the treatment site. Results are typically an immediate and sustained relief of chronic pain and releases muscular adhesions / tightness. Improvement of range of motion is a common result after the very first treatment.

-Sustained Improvement of Blood Flow. This has been linked to a release of various immune factors and increased ATP that leads to angio/vasculogenesis (growth of new blood vessels) at the treatment site. SoftWave is scientifically validated to recruit and activate endogenous stem cell production, allowing the body to truly start healing from within. Stem Cells are the key to tissue regeneration and repair.

-Additionally, not only is this SoftWave machine used for treatment, it also has a diagnostic feedback in which the "origin of pain" can be precisely identified, serving as an invaluable tool for proper treatment. This feedback mechanism allows us to know exactly where the problem is.

  • 100% atraumatic to tissues and cells (safe - no damage or trauma created)
  • Near-immediate pain relief in some conditions.
  • Can break up fibrous adhesions and micro calcifications in joints and tendons.
  • A wave delivery zone thousands of times larger than focused or planar designs (kidney stones and plantar fasciitis)
  • Demonstrably more efficient and effective. Up to 91% helpful for musculo-skeletal conditions.
  • Real-time biofeedback provides precision guidance of application to problem origin areas. No need for imaging or trigger point references.
  • The only Unfocused Electrohydraulic ESWT available in North America, and it has FDA 510(k) clearance.Utilized by professional sports teams (Cleveland Indians, Brooklyn Nets, NY Giants, LA Lakers)
  • Utilized by top medical institutions (Cleveland Clinic, Mayo Clinic)
  • Has many other uses for conditions outside of the Chiropractic / Orthopedic realm (urology, brain injuries, cardiac issues).

Schedule a Discovery Session today to see if this technology can help your chronic pain or recent injury that is taking too long to heal. Most patients will see some relief after this first visit.

MyoVision T2 Digital Thermography Camera

The newest technology in our office is a state of the art Digital Thermography camera.  Among its many uses is the ability to detect poor circulation anywhere in the body.  This allows us to monitor your progress and and to prove the efficacy of the treatment.  We use it extensively for our neuropathy patients to help determine where treatment is required and to what extent damage has been done to your body. 


                                                 Legs Therm                                 Therm Hands                        

                                                                  Poor Circulation in both feet                                                                      Poor circulation in the left hand

Surface Electromyography sEMG

We employ the MyoVision sEMG as a diagnostic tool because of the company’s dedication to making it the most accurate and reliable system available today.  sEMG is a non-invasive, safe system that tests the electrical activity in muscles to help determine the presence or absence of vertebral subluxations in the spine.  This helps us determine the level of nerve interference produced by the subluxation and also allows us an objective means to know when we have removed or reduced them to the optimum level.  sEMG quantifies the levels of muscle "tension" about the spine. Muscles "tense up" about the spine to "compensate" for subluxations or problems with the spine. The Static Scanning test provides information only about the neutral postures, and is not a dynamic measurement. Note that muscles will not necessarily fire on the same side as the complaint. Since they are compensating for the problem, they may fire on the opposite side, or even in other areas (e.g. neck problems will sometimes appear as high levels of tension in the upper thoracic area above the shoulder blades to the base of the neck).

Computerized Spinal Examination through Surface Electromyography (sEMG) is used to evaluate the relative levels of electrical activity associated with Vertebral Subluxation. By interfering with the communication between the brain and the rest of the body, a Vertebral Subluxation leads to improper electrical impulses which can lead to poor health. The Computerized sEMG Scanning provides qualitative and quantitative data to assist the Chiropractor in determining which areas / levels of the nervous system are being adversely affected by Vertebral Subluxations.

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Example of a Normal sEMG exam           Example of an Abnormal sEMG exam

Dual Inclinometer ROM              

This is a highly sophisticated test that accurately and legally measures the Range Of Motion (degree of motion) of the different areas of the spine.  This test is the ONLY AMA approved method of measuring objectively and documenting the loss of motion of the spine from injuries or other spinal abnormalities.  By using two separate detectors simultaneously, the MyoVision system quickly records spinal motion and stores it in our patient database.  


Dynamic Surface Electromyography

This test is used primarily for patients that were involved in an accident of some sort.  It evaluates the function of the muscles while they are contracting and relaxing.  It helps further document the presence of damage from an injury resulting in a vertebral subluxation of the spine.


Digital High Frequency Radiography (X-Ray)

What can we say.  To bring you the best care possible, I have invested in a high frequency x-ray system featuring digital processing.  No film or chemicals are used (better for the environment as well) and images are available almost immediately after taking them (50 seconds).  These images can easily be burned to a CD for viewing by anyone with a PC or can be sent via the Internet to another doctor for review.  We are proud to be the first chiropractic office in all of Central NY and the Mohawk Valley offering this service.



Digital Computerized Foot Orthotics (Pelvic Stabilizers)

We offer our patients the option of having custom shoe inserts made to not only help the feet, but to also stabilize the ankles, knees, hips and pelvis.  This, therefore, aids in balancing out the spine and improving your overall success with your chiropractic care.  This system allows us to almost instantly send your order to Footlevelers which leads to a quicker turn around time.  Please click the Orthotics button above to learn more.   Visit the Custom Orthotics Page under Services above.

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Electronic Variable Frequency Adjusting Instruments

We also use two state of the art digital electronic variable frequency adjusters.  These highly precise instruments aid in the spinal corrective process by using digital technology to deliver the exact amount of force required to adjust difficult areas with no discomfort.  This approach is effective for not only spinal complaints, but for extremity, cranial and soft tissue problems as well. This break through technology is especially helpful for the elderly, pediatrics, patients with muscle rigidity, anyone with a lot of pain and for those patients that do not like to hear the "cracking" sound when getting adjusted. 


patient and doctor

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LaBarbera Family Chiropractic LLC Re-GEN SoftWave

2719 Genesee Street

Utica, NY 13501 USA

(315) 724-0368

(315) 724-0374


8:00 am - 5:30 pm


8:00 am - 4:30 pm


10:00 am - 5:30 pm


8:00 am - 5:30 pm


9:00 am - 12:00 pm





Open every other Friday including  Friday, September  20, 2024 in the morning.  Closed every other Friday through June.